From January 9th, 2025 till Friday, February 7th, 2025 you can tender for participation in our new testbed on Sensordata. In this testbed we want to address three practical research topics that contribute to better accessibility of sensordata and easier use.
On Wednesday, January 22nd at 16:30h. we organised an information session. The recording and Q&A of this meeting are published at the bottom of this page.
On February 14, 2025 we will announce who have been selected to participate in this testbed. The testbed comprises three research topics
Communicating with a collection of sensors
There are many use cases where one type of sensor is placed in many locations. There is great utility in querying all of these sensors at the same time with one simple operation. For example "give me all current temperature readings from the collection of temperature sensors in the municipality of Rotterdam". We want to know how this can be achieved using different OGC API standards and what the benefits and negatives of each standard are.
Visualisation & analysis
An important aspect of working with sensor data is, being able to get the data and load it into an application for visualisation and analysis. This research question is about demonstrating that this works, both in a web viewer and in a dashboard application.
Initial device registration
Initial device (aka Thing) registration in a system is not well documented or standardised. ‘Things’ can have several sensors (possibly different ones) on board that will measure values. When the Thing is first turned on, it will try to connect to a service (over eg a LoRaWAN Network or the internet) specified in the firmware. When this connection is established, the Thing must be able to register itself with that service.
For each of the three research topics a budget of € 12.500 excluding 21% VAT is available.
In the Q&A held after the online introduction of this Testbed, you'll find additional relevant information.
Who can participate?
The tender is open to private and public parties, and to combinations of parties (consortia). In the case of a consortium, there is one party who acts as the contact point and contractor on behalf of the consortium for the tender with Geonovum.
Questions about the tender can only be asked by sending an e-mail to info@geonovum.nl, addressed to Frank Terpstra, coordinator of the testbed. Questions should be submitted before Thursday January 23rd. Questions and our answers are collected in an Information Note.
On Wednesday, January 22nd at 16:30h. you can join an international information session about this testbed. The minutes of this meeting will also be part of the Information Note. This note will be published on the website of Geonovum on Monday, January 27th.
9 January- 7 February Open call to Tender
22 January Information session
14 February Selection of parties
30 April Deadline for carrying out the research topics
How to apply?
Your tender must be submitted by sending an e-mail to info@geonovum.nl, addressed to Friso Penninga, director of Geonovum.
The tender is to be written in English and must at least contain:
- The research topic or topics you are applying for;
- Motivation for the research topic or – topics you are applying for;
- Plan of approach for each addressed research topic (maximum of four pages per research topic);
- References (including e.g. publications, projects, blogs, code on GitHub) and curriculum vitae for performers of the research, showing enough relevant knowledge and experience;
- An indication of the in-kind investment;
- Statement of agreement with the publication of the research results and deliverables under a CC/by license.
Important notes
All outcome will be available under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Deliverables of the research topics, in the form of published data, vocabularies, demonstrators, prototypes and the like, must remain available for at least six months after completion of the testbed.
All source code is preferably available under a “popular and widely used or with strong communities” open source license as identified by the open source initiative. The use of other (non-opensource) licenses will be considered only if well motivated.
Geonovum will judge the received tenders in the second week of February (feb 10th-14th), according to the criteria stated in appendix A.
Parties are allowed to tender for more than one research topic. However, a contractor is only awarded one research topic, not several. The reason for this is our wish to gain different insights by different parties. The only exception to this rule is that additional research topics can be awarded to a single party if this party is the only bidder for an additional topic. We will only do this if the bidder agrees.
Geonovum will announce which party is selected for which research topic on February 14th at the latest. All parties who have submitted a tender will be informed about this via e-mail.
Note that reviewers of this document and Geonovum staff are exempt from bidding.
The results of the testbed are intended to contribute to expand and innovate the Dutch public sector Spatial Data Infrastructure in a direction that takes into account the possibilities in the market today, so that the data will be accessible now and in the future, to both geospatial experts and non-geospatial experts, and for future use in ways we cannot imagine today.
The results of the three research topics of this testbed will be used in the Netherlands to give input to the API knowledge platform(apigov.nl) and the Dutch geoportal Publieke Dienstverlening op de Kaart (PDOK) as well as several Dutch programs: the program for the new Environmental Act and the Dutch INSPIRE program. The results are also intended to provide input to the OGC API standards. In addition, Geonovum will create a Dutch best practice geospatial APIs based on the outcome of the testbed. All insights combined will lead to an implementation strategy for OGC API standards in the Netherlands. This strategy will provide answers on questions on how, when and why parties should start using OGC API standards, both from provider and client point of view. The implementation strategy will be updated over time and thus be responsive to relevant developments in terms of standards, implementations and policy. The overarching goal of the implementation strategy is to guide the adoption of the new generation of standards within the Dutch SDI.
Recording of information session
On January 22nd at 4:30 pm (GTM+1) we organised an information session on this Testbed, summarizing the tender document and use cases. The recording of this meeting can be watched below.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/5fHzAK60b-E)
Questions and Answers information session
During the information session of January 22, the following questions were asked.
- The in kind contribution needs to be explicitly mentioned but how is the size of the 'in kind' contribution taken into account?
There is no metric for “in kind” contribution when judging the propasals. Therefore it is only indirectly taken into account when judging proposals and therefore not heavily weighted. We have left the form of in kind contribution open. It is intended as an understanding between us and the contractor that this is not purely a business relationship but that we expect both parties to want to gain new insight and knowledge. As a bidder you are free to express what form the in kind contribution takes in your proposal.
2. In chapter 3 you refer to the SOS service. But the link leads to a map, but we would need the endpoint.
This is the proper link to the endpoint
3. Use case number 2 of Rotterdam refers to an attachment, which is not attached
Attachment is now published on the website:
4. Chapter 7 > relevant use cases is empty
There is no direct link to any of the use cases, there are no extra points to be earned for the (re-use) of the provided use cases when judging proposals for research topic #3